10% of Kruse Control’s profits go to equine welfare and advocacy.
“The greatest privilege that comes with free speech is the right to use your voice for those who don’t have one.”
In working with Kathi and Kruse Control, you help support wild and domestic horse welfare.
In these troubling times when weaker beings are subjected to abuse and neglect, I believe it’s only right to do what I can to protect them.
I’ve been an animal advocate my entire life. In fact, in old home movies when I was just a baby, I’m seen reaching past a doll to a stuffed pony.
I believe every living being deserves to be happy, peaceful and free.

I’m a volunteer Board Member for Hanaeleh Horse Rescue in Orange County, CA.
I manage the digital marketing, website, online fundraising and Hanaeleh’s massive Facebook page with 84,000+ fans. You can catch me out at the ranch most every weekend mucking stalls, cleaning waterers and feeders, grooming horses and sneaking them endless amounts of carrots.
Hanaeleh is a 501(c)(3) (Tax ID 20-3255341) non-profit horse rescue operating in Southern California since 2004 and every penny donated goes to the horses.
Want to donate to Hanaeleh? Click >>>here<<<
We are 100% volunteer-run, Platinum Transparency with Candid/Guidestar, and we’re a Verified Rescue with Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.
Hanaeleh rescues all breeds and ages of horses, rehabilitates them, then we find them new loving homes. When horses are not adoptable due to severe neglect or abuse, we provide sanctuary for them to live out their days knowing they’ll always be loved and cared for.
Equine initiatives I support and advocate for:
- Provide horse advocacy and animal welfare education to create a more informed public.
- The SAFE Act (Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act) to end horse slaughter now. This would stop the transport of horses (all equines) across U.S. borders for the purpose of slaughter.
- USDA ruling to finally put an end to the cruel act of horse soring.
- Strengthen Federal and State laws to protect America’s free-roaming wild horses and burros.
- Educate the public about the inhumane treatment of equines in the horse racing and rodeo industries.
- Educate the public and the responsible Charro riders to stop the torture of innocent horses for entertainment.
I’m excited to work with you and help animals too!
Let’s talk about how Kruse Control can help your business.
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