If you walk into a networking event not knowing anyone, what's the first thing you do? Hopefully, you've come with an understanding that sales referrals and leads happen once you've developed some kind of connection. You work the room making your introductions and ask questions. You're savvy and deliberate about who you talk to and you take care to treat those connections with respect. I was …
Is Networking the New Sales? 3 Ways to Get Your Game On
The business of sales continues to evolve. While every business needs to facilitate sales, there's a movement toward non-traditional methods. Think about it: when you want to buy a car, a house, a new suit or the latest gadget, who do you call? Oh wait, you don't call anyone? You do research on Google. You search on Amazon. You check online reviews. You ask friends and family what they think and …
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The Social Media Perfect Storm and How to Avoid It
If you don't know what Social Media marketing success looks like and you hire or promote an employee to do your Social Media marketing, how will you know for sure if your Social Media strategy is right and the results are successful? There is a direct correlation (although neither side may realize it) between a boss' approach to Social Media and an employee's level of Social Media marketing …
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How to Succeed on Instagram: An Informal Case Study
If you're like many business owners or managers, navigating Social Media for business can be a mystery. It's difficult to know where to start or which platform to leverage. Many are looking for ways on how to succeed on Instagram and I found one car dealership who's not only figured it out but who's had great results. While Facebook is usually the best platform to start your Social Media …
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