Social Media marketing continues to evolve and the markers for success seem to be a moving target. Just like any community, the members come and go and shifts happen. Consumer buying behavior remains constant until something comes along to shift it in a different direction. This makes it very difficult for marketing managers and business owners to define their Social Media success. When a …
Social Selling: Acquire the Right Kind of Leverage in Online Relationships
The value of every customer you have increases over time. Honoring that value takes commitment and a solid strategy for attracting and retaining customers. Whether you're building online relationships or maintaining them, Social Selling provides value at each stage of your customers' path to purchase. Customers are the life blood to every business. Smart salespeople work their network to keep …
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The Future is Noisy: How Your Content Marketing Gets Heard Above the Racket
Have you ever tried to converse with someone while you're at a rock concert? The music is awesome and you just want to share a thought with your friend but the minute you open your mouth, you realize you won't be heard until the music stops. Similarly, the amount of content that's being published on the web is deafening. Content marketing on the web is exploding. By 2020, the amount of …
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Organic SEO and Social Media: The Future is Here!
Until recently, Organic SEO and Social Media were considered two very separate and distinct things. Organic SEO is the art of getting search engines to show your website content in search results without paying for ads. Social Media marketing is the art of publishing content on social networks to reach consumers along each stage of the buying cycle, develop relationships and ultimately, generate …
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