If you’ve been in the marketing world for awhile, you’ve probably heard of the Rule of 7.
It’s been proven over and over that the more positive contact you have with customers and prospects, the easier it is to develop and sustain relationships and ultimately, close more sales. Unfortunately, you’re one of thousands who are vying for your customers’ attention.
The Marketing Rule of 7
The Rule of 7 states that a prospect needs to “hear” the advertiser’s message at least 7 times before they’ll take action to buy that product or service.
The Marketing Rule of 7 is a marketing maxim developed by the movie industry in the 1930s. Studio bosses discovered that a certain amount of advertising and promotion was required to compel someone to see one of their movies.
Today, without a clearly-defined marketing strategy to map out how you’ll touch that prospect at least 7 times, your odds of success are pretty slim. In fact, today you might need more than those 7 times just to be heard above all the clutter that’s in people’s newsfeeds or fields of vision.
Not all touches are created equal. What’s said and what’s perceived in your messages matters. Will it be meaningful? ….or a spammy sales pitch?
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Rule of 7 in the Digital Age
Social media crushes old school marketing by expertly leveraging a medium that touches customers regularly.
Social media affords retailers the opportunity to engage a customer often 7 times everyday! This is accomplished by sharing content, interacting with users and targeting ads to people who are interested in what you sell.
Social media strategy is key.
Social media (and all digital marketing) takes thoughtful content strategy to engage customers at every level of the buying process, including both those not in-market yet and those who have already purchased.
Capturing their attention and engaging customers and prospects is crucial, but it’s not enough. The way each specific platforms’ algorithms work these days, you have to go a step further and devise unique ways to get them on your email list. Why? Because social is a great connector but it’s rented land. Bring your followers closer so you can continue to provide them value and practice the Rule of 7.
Emotional connection is your magic.
Old school marketing messages (such as broadcast and print) lack a reason to connect. Without meaning, messages are lost in the cacophony of content in your customers’ lives.
Socially-savvy retailers publish marketing messages that come in the form of useful content that delights their intended audience. These messages tell stories that create an emotional connection.
Buying decisions are shaped by two things: stories told and the memories they leave behind.
It’s a fact that storytellers make emotional connections. You can’t always create an emotional connection with interruptive advertising so what are you going to say that’s meaningful and makes them consider a purchase?
If you can tell stories about what it’s like to do business with you – by enlisting your happy, loyal employees and customers in the process – you’ll be well on your way to creating meaningful connections and “touching” that prospect 7 times.
How do you tell your story?
All digital content must convey a unique value to the people you want to reach. There are many forms of content and many mediums with which to publish it. Creating your OWN social media is crucial.
Don’t waste everyone’s time with benign posts like this:

Or constant promotion posts like this:

Here’s what to do instead.
“There can be no words without pictures.” -Aristotle
Images that show examples of employees delivering an outstanding customer experience tell a great story. Customers think of employees as “people like me” and witnessing delight allows the prospective customer to see themselves in that way.
Authentic images where words are not necessary win Pulitzers. In a business marketing case, you’re not looking to win a Pulitzer, you’re trying to win your ideal customers’ business – which, some could argue, is more valuable!
Pro Tip: An actionable step to get more attention is to use Canva to create memes (images with text on them). Canva is a free tool for making amazing designs of all kinds, and you need very little design experience to use it!
You can use Canva to make all kinds of graphics and it’s way easier to use than Photoshop. The first thing to do is set up your free account–> HERE
This link HERE will take you to Canva Design Tutorials. The short videos will ‘fast-track’ your ability to create amazing designs in very little time. I have to admit, it’s kinda fun to use.
The ultimate goal of all content is to attract, engage and eventually sell your products and services. Video is a powerful way to accomplish that goal.
There are many different kinds of videos, but for a salesperson or a retailer, here are the top choices:
- Customer Testimonials
- Introduction videos
- “How To” videos
- Demo videos
- Comparison videos
Let’s explore the first one on the list: Customer testimonial videos.
A recommendation from someone still remains the most-trusted source of information to help car buyers decide to purchase. The web affords car shoppers many opportunities to seek recommendations:
- They reach out to their friends and family on social media.
- They visit Google, Yelp and other review sites.
- They look for testimonials on the dealership’s website.
- They might even Google salespeople’s names!
It’s pretty powerful to see and hear a loyal, happy customer’s feedback about their car buying experience. Prospects feel more comfortable about their purchase knowing others had a great experience.
Video testimonials are extremely compelling and also get noticed by Google when you optimize them on YouTube. They can also be used on Facebook and LinkedIn as influential ways to reinforce your credibility. A powerful video testimonial may even be the deciding factor that makes your deal.
How to collect your first video testimonials.
I find that when I talk about video testimonials, everyone is in favor of the idea. But when it comes down to actually doing it, many are reluctant and the followthrough is negligible. Of course you’re reluctant – not very many of us have experience talking and filming people!
Here are 3 tips to help you develop the mindset of seeking and asking for customer video testimonials.
- Use your phone. Nearly everyone has a phone that takes great videos. Don’t get all fancy! You’re comfortable with your phone so why make it harder?
- Be on the lookout. Not every customer will be enthusiastic about being filmed so begin with repeat customers (if you have them). If not, choose someone who you’re pretty sure will be okay with participating.
- Develop your Ask. Asking for online reviews is not a simple task. Everyone needs to work up their mojo to ask for what they want.
Practice makes profit.
Remember the script I shared a while back on asking for online reviews? It will work great for asking for a video testimonial:
“Mr or Ms Customer, did you have a good experience today?”
(They will nod their head and say, “Yes.”)
“That’s fantastic. My business is based on referrals and I would appreciate it if you would share your feedback with others who may be looking for a good car buying experience like you were. Would you be open to filming a short video testimonial for me?”
Customer testimonial videos provide a lot of visibility, can establish your authority and boost your reputation. But, just like an image that fails to tell a story, videos can fall flat unless you’ve got a gameplan. But thankfully, I just provided one so now you don’t have any more excuses!
There are all sorts of content that involve writing:
- Blog posts
- Social media updates
- Checklists
- Guides/PDFs. PS: hardly anyone does these so now is your chance to differentiate yourself! If you have an idea for one, email it to me: kathi@krusecontrolinc.com and I’ll give you feedback (free of charge!)
Use these outlets to answer your customers’ most frequently asked questions, especially those questions that cause them to hesitate in their purchase decision.
It’s crucial to incorporate and illustrate employees’ expertise. Their knowledge can only be accessed by engaging with your business, which brings value to your brand and differentiates you from your competition.
Keep in mind that while great stories attract new customers, your engaging content keeps current customers engaged and coming back for more.
We talk more passionately about things we care about than things toward which we’re ambivalent.
We listen more closely to people we care about than to people we don’t know.
We’re talking and listening in unprecedented numbers. As consumers shop online, social media influences opinions and affects purchase decisions.
Live Video
It’s not hard to see why live streaming draws an audience. It’s in real-time, it’s interactive and anything can happen.
Social media’s leap into live video revolutionized the way retailers reach an engaged audience, so much so that its rippling effects have expanded onto most platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter (I will never call it X) – just to name a few.
If you’re feeling adventurous, live video has some great benefits:
- It’s not overcrowded yet.
- Users tune in on your time.
- It’s free for you and the user.
- It takes less time to produce.
- You get real-time engagement.
- You can repurpose it.
Tap into the power of the the social media Rule of 7
One of the most powerful outcomes of the social media Rule of 7 is that you can often touch customers 7 times within a day! Why wouldn’t you use these platforms to increase sales?
Utilizing the social media Rule of 7 creates the “network effect,” meaning your business gains more value as more customers join you online. Customers who’ve purchased from you before will tell their stories and ultimately tell your story too.
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